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i deserve connection, je mérite une connexion

this week's affirmation is…

i deserve connection, je mérite une connexion

in this post-quarantine world, where we became isolated behind our screens, many of us are relearning what it means to connect

healthy connections provide support, understanding, and a sense of belonging

it can come in many forms, such as connecting with friends, family, romantic partners, or even through social or community groups

you are worthy of meaningful connections, and it's okay to seek and nurture them

*all photos are links to more information, book recommendation is an affiliate link


let's begin this week's newsletter with a podcast from one of our fav's

session 295 - a conversation on healthy friendships with devi brown

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

and a bonus podcast...

session 277 - cultivating friendships in adulthood

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

next, our book recommendation...

platonic: how the science of attachment can help you make and keep friends

by marisa g franco

lastly, our film recommendations...

starring kristen wiig

bridesmaids (2011)

starring ashley park

joy ride (2023)

whether you're seeking guidance from friends, family, mentors, therapists, or experts in a field, their insights and perspectives can contribute significantly to your deserving journey

as always, affirmations from previous weeks are available here








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