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this week's affirmation is… i deserve self-reflection, je mérite une introspection

this week's affirmation is…

i deserve self-reflection, je mérite une introspection

we made it to week 51!

honestly, i doubted if i would be able to keep this bulletin consistent all year, but here we are, with one week left, and the perfect affirmation


self-reflection is a valuable and essential practice for personal growth and development

it allows you to gain insights into your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, helping you better understand yourself and your life

self-reflection is a continuous process, and it's okay if it evolves over time

be patient and compassionate with yourself as you explore your thoughts and feelings

the insights gained from self-reflection can lead to positive changes and a deeper understanding of yourself

*all photos are links to more information, link is an affiliate link

i wanted to start this week with the heaviest lift

how do we self-reflect? what do we do? what are the steps? what are the obstacles?

what questions does one ask themselves when reflecting on one's self?

this blog post is a great jumping off point

Self-Reflection: 300+ Powerful Questions for Turning Inward

next, a meditation, this one is extremely relaxing

by great meditation

Self Reflection Guided Meditation

it's easy to get hung up on how much farther we wish to go in life, but in this loving and peaceful 10 minute guided meditation, you'll instead take stock in just how far you've come

get ready to feel deep appreciation towards yourself and your inherent worth


next, our book recommendation

funny enough, a lot of books i recommend match this week's affirmation


soulful and uproarious, forceful and tender, untamed is both an intimate memoir and a galvanizing wake-up call

it is the story of how each of us can begin to trust ourselves enough to set boundaries, make peace with our bodies, honor our anger and heartbreak, and unleash our truest, wildest instincts so that we become women who can finally look at ourselves and say

there she is

untamed shows us how to be brave

as glennon insists:

the braver we are, the luckier we get

and finally, your favorite part, our movie selection

a holiday classic

A Christmas Carol (1984)

“...slow seasons offer hidden opportunities for growth, self-reflection, and exploration that aren’t as easily accessible during busy seasons. The slow seasons give you a chance to get even more clear on what’s most important. If things feel really quiet right now, take a deep breath, and use this season to get prepared for the blessings that are coming your way. Because if you stay ready…”

michell c clark


as always, affirmations from previous weeks are available here


you'll be hearing more from me soon. promise.

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